Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Good Friend, Blog, Word

I haven't written in a few days only because I've been too tired or too lazy to write anything. In the last few days though, I've had many positives things happen that I can't condense it all. Although I will only write the top three for now that stand out.

1. I made up with a good friend of mine whom I've known for 13yrs. She's been angry and hurt at something I said a while back. Even though I thought everything was done and forgotten, those hurt feelings were still there. After 2hrs of talking on the phone, things are going to be ok. I really treasure my friendships with my friends because I see them as my family. They are all I have in this world.

2. I deleted my old blog. It was getting too depressing and I was starting to write too many irrational things. It's time to let the past go and move on. I can't believe what a relief it is not to have that blog anymore.

3. Word got out at work that I will be leaving to go back to school. I've only known these people for a summer. I was surprised to hear many of them say that they will miss me and they are sad to see me go. Some talked about a going away party for me which made me feel good. Whether it happens or not is not important to me. It was the thought that counts for me. Many residents at work also heard I was leaving. I got many hugs from them on this day and even had some tell me they were proud. I can't tell you the feeling I felt inside. Just made me feel special.

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